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Drakes Pokemon Journey ~Dratinibaby

Chapter 1- I Am Just Getting Started
"Honey wake up its your 10th birthday!" Drake woke up with a shout saying "Did you get me a Pokemon?" "Yes I did its right over there in that aquriam.""Shhh Drake its a baby Growlithe a mythical Dragon Pokemon." Drake couldn't wait to test his Dratinis powers. Dratini woke up with a little yawn and said Dratini? Hey Dratini I am your trainer my name is Drake Journey. "Dratini Dratini Dratini Dratini!!" it chanted. What moves do you know Dratini? Dratini started coiling its self then Drake said "Wrap?." Dratini shook his head. Then Dratini let out a spark of electricity then Drake said "Thundershock?" Dratini shook his head. "One more and I can start battleing!" Drake got excited. Dratini's eyes grew yellow and he shook left and right. "I've got it its Leer!" Drake said. "Lets go to Pro.Oak's house to get another Pokemon for me to battle with and for you to play with." When they got to his lab Pro.Oak greeted them and asked Drake what Pokemon he wanted while Dratini was eating. "Well Pro.Oak I have thoughted about it long enough I will choose....Tentacool!!" "O.k. Drake but you don't know the trouble your getting into." Pro.Oak handed him Six Poke-Balls and a Poke-Dex "The Poke-Dex will record information on any Pokemon you see or capture." Pro.Oak said. As soon as Drake got his Charmander he said "Charmander come out!" A red light emerged from the Poke-Ball and Charmander said "Char Char Charmander!!!!!!" "Pro.Oak said "Drake go to Pewter City and battle Brocks father for the Boulder badge!" "Why Brocks father?" Drake asked. "Because Brock, Ash and Misty are in the Elite Seven." "Who are the other four?" "Well they are Loriea, Bruno, Agatha and Lance." "Well thanks Pro.Oak." "Bye!" "Bye!" Drake, Dratini and new Pokemon Charmander are going to Pewter City so they have to go through Celadon City and Canyon. What Pokemon lies ahead find out next time.~Dratinibaby


Dratini's Kennys Pokemon Center
